Thursday, May 31, 2007
i really wonder if anyone ever thought how it would be like in my shoes?
when they have everythg they could ask for but yet i dont?
when they seem to have the whole world standing behind thme but i dont?
when they think that im jsut jealous at shit or whatever but i really really dont?
when they think of me as the narrowminded kimberly chew as before?
when they dont even let me have a chance to change yr opinion?
and they think that it is really easy for me to handle this?
i thought i met the right people, but i dont think i do.
im not a naive kid who counts her blessing, but all i asked for is a form of support, an encouragement, because i am really scared of the challenges ahead.
but the right people i thought i've met didnt do that.
and you think im happy with that? no, i am still v sad.
but standing here at this position, i cant utter a word of discomfort.
so can you for once, please think in my shoes for awhile? and return me mine? cause im quite tired already.
im sorry im not drove around by my parents who ahve so much time for me; im sorry i dont have so much money to look at my best; im sorry i dont have so much time to think about making big; im sorry i dont have what it takes to be the best around.
but i know all these are just nothing compared to simplest things i have right now.
if only i didnt go for YAC and all those didnt happen, i really wished i didnt.
9:20 PM
I love vintage & rouge-.
[i][c=38]itjustsuckstobeme.[/c][/i]kimberly !
5 minutes later..★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥sandhu!
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥:)
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥WAHAHAHHAHHA
so funny.
haha, the stupid things we do online, we act like dont know one another :D
there was once stupid Glenn did this, "hello, my name is glenn, intro?"
haiyah, yar lor, we are always emo, so lets just have fun and forget abt those unhappy stuff alright?
thank you glenn for making me stay up till 2am, i will not be affected, i will love you for staying up with me :) EHHHH.wtbbq
(reverse psychology lar! :D)
anyway, so we had our first TPSU exco meeting, with lots of observers around as well, and new faces around the room,
i heard some negative comments to what was decided in that room, but you know what? i dont really care.
because for those who i work closely with, i know what they are like and that they have reasons behind what actions they've carried out.
so if you are not in this seat, and you are not looking at the big picture that we are looking at, please, could you just dont bother?
thank you.
i have been very objective in times of politics and i only stand on whoever's side i think is correct and i can say i dont take sides cause he/she is my friend. so yes, this is how i feel, if this entry might casue you any unhappiness, please indulge in endorphine.
in life, you may get what you want or you dont get what you want.
and many a times, we dont get everything we wished for
sometimes we are forced to accept the truth and move on with it, even though we dislike it
sometimes we just have to pick ourselves up and move on, because nobody said that life was gonna be fair.
i didnt have a choice, i could ask for another position, but i chose not to, because the reputation of the organisation is at stake.
look how bad it have turned out only at the first mtg?
and i should not neglect the voices of the student body and just do as i please, jsut because of my laziness and ignorance, to forgo everything?
no, i cant do that, so i decided to pull my socks up to my nose.
but at the end of the day, every vote has a reason to it.
and i can say, at that boardroom, the votes casted have gone through great consideration and the votes may speak for themselves.
i dont think its nice to let others know how many votes they've got, or how many they've lost to, sensitivity please.
like what i've said at the room, we all ran for elections not knowing what the results will be like
we didnt know what positions we would get, or whether we'll get in.
but from the moment we handed in our nomination form, we should be prepared for whatever may happen,for the worst or the better
so if the results turned out not as what you've expected, all of us should just accept it and do a good job to prove to the students that they have casted the right vote.
because i know that there will be many dying to have your seat, and many will try their best to make you bleed
and i know that the 7649 votes casted wanted us to make a difference to the school, so TPSU Sub Comms and Main Comms, lets all work together and not let them down!
i have alot of things to say, but i cant. not here, not now.
but lets just think it through, what is the real reason why we want to get into main comm alright?
or why you wanna join TPSU subcomm?
for me, it is because i want to make a difference to TPSU, to the lifes of the students in TP, i want them to feel the TP Spirit, i want to foster the bonds of the students, i want to make this 3yrs the best yrs they have ever had, and i want them to remember that it is TPSU or the Ultimate 9 who have shown them what true friendship and teamwork is really about!
because, i am genuine, i am sincere, that is the way of life (as taught by mum)
Are you?
9:20 PM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
200th post, and this goes out to a very special someone in my life right now.
(majiam my boyfiend ah? HAHA!)
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:i scared
KAHYUEN cvmb : D says:DONT SCARE OK?!?!?!?!
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:oakyy
KAHYUEN cvmb : D says:
*fingers support!
KAHYUEN cvmb : D says:LOL
KAHYUEN cvmb : D says:be brave kim
okay, i love KAHYUEN :D
thank you for helping me chop 700 flyers and poster
thank you for helping me put up poster
thank you for helping me pulling all the people to vote for me
thank you for supporting em all the way
thank you for staying up late to wait for me
thank you my favourite freshie, my friend, my sister, my partner, my fingers :D
eh, the rest dont jealous ah, i tribute to you all each one by one next time! oaky, late., sleep. bye.
9:56 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
hello world, i jsut came back from Pirates man.
bloody you-know-who, wanna see the three of us again, and made me miss my half hour of the movie.
sorry to nick and weijie who had to somehow wait for me la.
thanks ah.
despite missing out the first part, it was still okay.
exciting and all, and captain sparrow have always been famous for his twists and turns in his plans or wahtever.
really interesting know, its a msut watch if you loved the first 2 : D
but i hate the Dead Ship parts where the barnicle-filled people had to fight with ordinary ppl? WT........................... disgusting.
anyway, i tihnk im such a genius, cause i finished my entreprenuer proposal in liek 15 minutes, in fornt of Mr Pras, and he saw what iw as doing. and he said htis when he asked me to check my proposal, "wah, kimberly, yr quite a fast worker ah?'
okay, thank you mr pras ah! sarcastic way
and he was so cute, called me after tt, to congratulate me on becoming the president? darn cute lar. :D
oh, he wears some really nice ties? and tis liek his THIRD time wearing the grey and pink one ystd :D
i got record one!
and thne i spent 1 1/2 hrs to rush throught my japanese project which alsted for 3 mins la. like wth? but yeah, i did it though?
my topic was on energy, fuel saving car called Toyota Prius, retail rpice is liek 90,000. buy it if you can, but yeah, the system rocks know!
okay, the whol world knows the result nw, even him.
i dont know how it can travel OUT OF SCHOOL la, but it did.
thought ii'll only concern TP LORRRRR.
so if your reading this, hi :)
oh ,i talked ot stranger tt day! :)
like as if he was of great help, but that conversation brightened up my day!
and i feel uneasy cause i didnt see kleom, kahyuen, luffy, ronald, johan, grace, etc etc today.
okay, internal voting tmr!
9:25 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
so kimberly is back with her tons and tons of exciting new stories to tell, oh yes, how exciting huh? haiyah, im damn tired la. wait, let me check how long ahve i not updated, wah, six days! :D
and i jsut had the shock of my life cause daddy jsut came and land one blue note in front of me and said,'wah, so thats the only thing that can take yr eyes offf the comp la? nah, let you buy shoe!'
my father, who earns like peanuts, is giving me extra money? this is happening for the first time and i cant help but feel scared.
btu fact is, mr and mrs chew have visited the jackpot room at changi airport recreation club again.
they're relaxing, they're winning money, they're not starving, so i let them carry on la..
but they're gg Macau this july, oh no...
anyway, so time flies, voting period, everyone getting all nervous and destroying the integrity and humanity in everyone, i remain as saint as i always was. whatever la.
went to SWATCH FIVB BEACH VOLLEYBALL at sentosa on thursday all the way till sunday. alot of freebies and all, nto suppsoed to take but i think we took la. :) and yeah, i got alot tanner :)
so friday was the big day where everyone who ran for elections went to the lounge to get nervous and all? yes, the results IS OUT.
congratulations to the other 12 members who have made it into the commitee, congratualations to fellow GLs, freshies, friends and buddies who've made it as well.
ASC- ehhhhhhhhhh, yar, congrats ah all 15 :l
BSC- maybelle, ck, serene, jiamin, sam, liyi, joyce, jo-an, ah lu, etc.
DSC- caleb, tom, ronald, amos adn HO SEOK HOON
ESC, darrell, june, who else?
INTSC- shawn, darren, diana.
SPORTS CLUB- S..., S... the two malay guys, squash kiddo
& i want to thank all who have voted for me, because yr every vote reminds me of my job as a main comm now, that there are a large number of people in sch who trusts me and i am very grateful to all of you.
& i want to thank my designers who ahve helped my with the posters, they really are good huh? :D
& i want to thank all who have helped me put up posters at my msot desperate time, who have given out flyers for me unwillingly or if they say they do, and those who have painstakenly dragged their friends, classmates or anyone to vote for me.
thank you :D
to be honest, i myself am surprised with the results of the elections.
i wasnt even in the lounge waiting for the results, i was in the bus lsitening on loudspeaker cause i was rushing back from sentosa.
i was in shock, and i lvoe my freshies for they ran outt he moment they heard i got president, out to meet me. im so happy.
639 votes, that is a big number, and i really will uphold to it, i promise to do my very best to bring TPSU to greater heights.
however, the big question remains, who will be the VP?
and the next one pops by, will she still be the FIRST PRESIDENT OF TPSU?
i have no idea, serious.
it all weights down to my committement level and what are my priorities in life right now, union defitnitely is taking a big role in it.
btu besides that, my family, my friends, my work, my future, my dance, my studies, everything.
and whether i can do a good job in leading the new committee in the next AY, lead with respect and they do wrk willingly.
i dont know, btu all i know is, i didnt expect this to happen.
and i will be in TAS for sem two, and i dont really wanna stop my job entirely now, not that i am wrking alot these days, my internship and all know.
and i want to pass it to someone who can do a better job at it or at least someone willing to do it.
and i believe this is fate, something God wants to put me through?
He have been giving me many challenges along the wway, and i have somehow or another rejected them, and this might be the day i take it on.
I know i can achieve big, and i want to achieve big.
and i know this is the first step i msut take, if i dont, when will i stop running and start climbing up the ladder?
i dont know, but right now, stay tuned for more answers in the next entry :D
thank you all my friends for the congratulations msgs, please tell me what TPSU can do for you, those who puff, dont tell me yellow box, i will slap you like how i slap mason.
tattoosareforlsoers, are you liek T-A-T M-I-N-G? :D
and -, how long can i last? thank you for posting such an interesting question. it will be for you to find out and for me to know. and i know IT.
:D i love the world and God for blessing us with hot brazillian volleyballers! TALITA! RENATA! :D
9:39 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
You know it tears me up inside
to see the feelings that you hide
Hide inside that empty bottle
I wish you saw how great you were
I wish you saw what life was worth
You wouldn't have to hide your problems
And I don't care what you might think
I think you've had too much to drink
Can't even talk when you're this way
Run away, run away
But that won't make it any better
Run away, run away
And make tomorrow harder to live than today
There's so much out there you could miss
there's so much life out there to live
If you would just believe in yourself
You know you're better than all of this
you know you've got so much to give
But you're so afraid to give of yourself
There's a bright light shining inside you
it shines out through your eyes
Don't drown it away, don't be afraid, don't hide
Let it shine
You say you're looking for happiness
but when it comes, you run away from it
You tell yourself you don't deserve it
There's not much more that I can do now the rest is up to you
Until you love yourself, you'll never change
You'll keep on running
Until you deal with today
dont say you tried to talk to me, dont say you tried to try and talk to me.
cause everytime i turn around, you werent there for me.
so all i can do is to run away, away from what i fear most
and im afraid its happening right now
but after talking to her, she taught me to let go and to give in.
i dont know, but the least i can do is to not think abt you anymore.
so they might say im always emo-ing or whatever,
but i've been keeping it here for quite sometime
and i burst, leaving disasterous after effects behind
and one after another, i burst and burst, all in one shot.
so, if you think im okay, another comes running
but right now, i've decided to let go, why get all uptight?
let down yr hair and enjoy the lovely breeze, girl.
i am free.
2:20 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Monday, May 21, 2007
like wow, okay, wait a minute.
because the bunch of people im competing with right now, are all my friends and competitors.
as much as i wanna get in, is jsut as much as how they wanna get in.
and i swear on my grave that i will not do ugly things like ignoring ppl's posters or whatever and just to CARE FOR MYSELF.
i grew up in a catholic school and i am taught to be a gracious and composed young lady. not very lady-like, i know, but i know what is love, care, concern, kindess, graciousness and humility, OKAY.
I got a f#%! A for my CIVIS AND MORAL EDUCATION, I give up my seat to elderly, I help my friends with their posters.
please find Father at St Anne's Church if you have any problem.
Thank You.
So if you think that my upbringing was that bad to make me IGNORE ppl's posters or have the 'wouldnt care less' attidue or to keep to myself, im sorry, YOU ARE WRONG.
i would never do such a stupid thing cause of stupid politics or stupid elections. probably cause im not stupid.
this goes out to Mr Loser who vandalised Mr Elmo's poster as well.
F@%@! you loser.
im sorry, but im jsut
angry at people who stereotype or do such ugly things.
and i dont stereotype, i do comment, but i dont label them, i observe people to dervie waht type of a person he/ she is. okay?
and yes, i know you are really busy.
and its just a waste of time and its all miscomm and all, and you should change yr stupid phone. the only good thing abt it is that it has a reallycatchy adn nice and irritating ringtone? other than that, it made me cry like a thousand buckets jsut now.
and i apologise because im a girl, i feel insecure all the time.
and i will not distant myself any further from the people.
and i apologsie to Ger again,
and i thank JW, Edwin, Kelly, Zhaopei, Kahyuen, Sunny, Kleon, Johan, Maybelle, Liyi, Serene, Jiamin, Joyce, Ck, Sam, and everyone who hadf helped me with the psoters and flyers.
im sorry best bud.
9:10 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Here are some posters done by my designers :D
Thank You
Ronald, Luffy and Maybelle :D







the first three are done Ron and Luf, they stayed up all night know.
fourth one with the NoBirdie thing is by Maybelle, with the wording from Kahyuen :D
the identical ones are by Jacen, my MIA GL :D
the four b&w one are by Kaiwei :D
im sure they look beautiful!, thank you people :D
and as promised, please let me earn more money to pay for yr free lunch :D
i am truly blessed, thank you God :)
oh yes, please vote alright!
I am running for
Please give me your support by voting at Cyber Centre,
Beside Mensa1, from 22th-24th of MAY!
Bring yr frens along yeah?
oh, and please vote for
1) Jiamin
2) Serene
3) Maybelle
4) Liyi
5) Chun Kit
6) Samantha
7) Joyce
for Business Studies Club :D
thank you!
2:23 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
HELLOALL!!!I am running forTemasekPolyteachnicStudent'sUnion,
Please give me your support by voting at Cyber Centre,
Beside Mensa1, from 22th-24th of MAY!
Bring yr frens along yeah?LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!im really scared cause i'll be at Sentosa for the Becah VolleyBall Competition form wed to fri!omg. plese hlep me spread this msg alright!THANKS! :D do vote for me, make my dreams come true and i will make yrs too :D
1:40 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Larry Darn you Elaine!!!!! said:
have faith in yourself and also have faith in the voters then see the results on friLarry Darn you Elaine!!!!! said:
and last but not least,RELAX LAH GURLSo you think Larry had little or nothing to say?lets think again alright?His name is Larry, he is my GL
He have little to say, but he knows what actually is going on
and to hear this from someone like him,
makes me feel really relieved because soemhow,
you know he knows whats going on
without me telling him :D
i just deleted a whole chunk off my blog, and i feel much better letting it out.
im definitely not okay these days, and i dont even know which is causing me to feel emo know! but im oaky now.
its like, on friday, i already emo-ed on 5 different things and people lar.
im sorry geraldine :(
and now, i dont even know where to start!
okay, what about dance?
i went over to O School on Friday, to purchase the tickets for the concert.
and i met four of Ron's frens, Max, Alex, Mr G and Xiaomei
seriously, they look like yyr average poly or JC student, normal.
btu when the music plays and they feel the groove, you can see it for yrself.
they really
thats Dance, not acting like yr king of the world and showing off ot everyoen you can dacne, no. thats not dance.
and Ron taught me about humility, and i realsie it applies to all areas.
even like service, i might knw a lil more than my frens, but that doesnt mean im the best.
we have lecturers in this for 25 yrs, and seniors who can do it 9271641 times better than me :D
and its abt helping them when they need help :D
talking about service, i had my real service session at TCA on thurs.
i hope it was okay, i served jodin and yuting :D
that 148 was so oblivious to her surroundings know, she didnt knwo i was the waitress -.- and she forgot her phone,
thanks MR MYSTEROUS, not that mysteriosu afterall -.-,
for the comment he left on the paper :D
thanks mr Wilson for standing strong with me as my waiter the whoel day
thanks Calista and Cassandra for being such wonderful Headwaitress and Assist HeadW :D
thanks Michelle for comming in to help out :D
thanks the Cashiers who pardoned our mistakes :D
thanks mr Goh and mr Sim for the advices :D
thanks my guests who didnt make my head roll
i think it was oaky, butterflies and all, i even got prasied :D
and auntie offered us tips leh, but ah goh say cannot take :(
haha! they're coming back next thurs again :D
thank you thursday class for working so well together :)
campaigning period was really a disaster, i really wanna kill myself
my posters werent deisgner until thursday, not printed until thursday
flyer collected on campaigning day, had no time to chop so kahyuen had to chop for me. she had to photocopy extras for me. omg.
if you looked at me, i was like a disaster.
then jingwen, edwin, kelly, zhaopei, crayon, sunny and johan helped me gave out flyers and put up posters. thank you guys, owe you one!
im upset cause non of them were the ones who intially told me they'l lbe there to do it together with me.
regretted not helping out at the booth, but i realised that my shift was from 4-6, and i was there! so i emo for no reason, but i did go back ot help when i wasnt on duty leh.
and edwin and i had a special delivery to a staff! some prank thing la, like helpping their collegue to confess to the other, so funny!
oh yes, the balloons are DESIGNED BY ME OKAY!
i gave the last balloon i got hold of to some staff again -.-
and thank you dexter for giving me yrs :D
pls lar, hang yr posters can! hahaha
i rmbed towkayneo said soemthg abt me alwasy with different people, but i seriously didnt see a link, so if anyone reading this knows what he meant, please tell me. :D
and the scary thing happened again, i had gastrics for not eating the whole day, and at night, i knocked out.
my mummy couldnt wake me up in the moring, i had like 17 missed calls.
it was somethg like the FOC thing, where i jsut suddenly fell into somewhat like a deep sleep, but it was like jsut shutting my eyes for 5 seconds.
it was scary when i woke up, even scarier to look at my number of missed calls and even worse when i saw the time, i missed the election workshop leh!
but yeah, i guess, after months of sleeping at 230 in the morning, and if i was lucky, i could get 10 hrs of slp, if not, 4 only.
my body decided to stop working, shutted down.
im so scared i might die :(
oh well, elections make people do things they wouldnt have done
like empty promises? like ugly things to say? like vandalising people's poster? slap you loser. (high fives, kimmys!)
i just hope this doesnt get into the main comm room after everything is done.
for now, i think SU is pretty okay, not much of a problem.
just, we all gotta think twice befor we do somethg, but i wouldnt even wanna try to imagine how it'll be like if we were in main comm.
sigh, guess its all about knowing when to play and when to work? :D
practice makes perfect! well, i did survive six days :D
oh well, no point gettin upset because of the number of peopl who've wished me good luck, saying they'll help or they'll vote.
im happy enough :D thank you people, like what they say, if you get int hen get in, if not thne dont, let fte dicide.
but you can decide my fate, so i trust you to vote for me :D
goodbye world, i love you still!
11:36 PM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
okay, i am grateful for the world that they have created a bunch of people called designers.
thank goodness, they are such a great bunch, fancy helping a procrastinator and slacker to rush out a poster design at such late hours, in such harsh and demanding conditions.
whooo, tp design is the best :D
but i am still worried, because putting the posters up are such a chore, most probably gonna like bribe zilra with alot of cookies, drinks and free t-shirts, preferably aka :D
seee, you dont take jap, you dont know.
and we need ot sen dposters for printing tmr, omg.
jsut running for it is already mind bogging, i can die.
i had lunch dinner with zilra again as usual, omg, its really really painful to eat with them know. cause i will laugh until my ribcage hurts, till no sound comes out. yesterday was abt pretty girl's dingdong, today was abt mindy and cindy. like oh man, why cant somethg decent come out of ronald and andrew'ss BRAINS? damn funny, and ronald's life can be a 9183162848235345 inches thick comic strip if he drew every imagination he had verbally told us, VERBALLY KNOW, IF ITS HIS IMAGINATION ALONE, I THINK HE WILL FLOOD SPORE KNOW.
wah, but damn fun. :D
gym on fri, i cant wait to burn fats.
and im excited abt the beach volleyball thing next week, free shirts, allowance and free SWATCH watch! finally, a watch for myself :D
it better look good la..
thank you BSC for this lovely opportunity, please vote for Liyi, Serene, Maybelle, Ck, Ming, Jiamin, Sam, Joyce, alamak, who else running?.. so manyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
32 i heard, omg, i cant bear to look at the number running for SU.
you msut be confident, says my partner.
oh yeah, i am hor? 0.0
oh well, emo alot after election wrkshop ystd.
reason being, ask the three poor fellows i rant to ystd la.
i cant rmb already cause im happy today :D
best bud says, 'haiyah, election period is like that one', yar, people usually only think abt themselves what, human nature.
nvm la, we slowly learn along the way, and wait for the day they'll wake up k?
if you heard that i am bad? look carefully, they're worse.
anyway, amos is runnginf or elections, DSC.
brother of past grad, angel, programmer.
then he told me he ahven think of any ideas.
then i told him this, 'Never saw a devil before? look closely, unleash the devil within you'
laughs, cause angel adn devil ma.
oaky, not funny, A for Effort la.
omg, i got suan-ed for a solid 25 mins on the ride home on crayon's daddy's car jsut now. A for effort, ronald should get a super glue for his bday this yr. no more party on 25th then you know!
but im definitely looking forward to the late night prata, early morning bak ku teh and all after this :D
wah, i lvoe kahyuen leh. she damn cute la, my partner incrime please.
*finger! patrick! laugh laugh laugh, we went in SDc building, then whenw e walked out right, look ed up, we saw like a million stars int he sky know! so cool can! and we both letout this wierd wierd 'wahhhh' or ' woaahaaa' together. couldnt stop laughing cause its like this wierd sound, and we made the exact smae sound at the same time. funny.
and i was emo ystd, she held my hand and said this, 'are you okay?' i thought she really asking for real, i say ya, okay la. then she was liek, 'no, yr supposed to say, ALRIGHT' and then horror begins, "are you okay? are you alright? okay oaky alright! alright alright oaky!"
this girl, i love! *FINGER!
wah, three tutorials to do, sian, i duwan minsu participation marks. HEH. oaky, byebye!
8:00 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
alright! friday was Zilra Freshie GRACE's BIRTHDAY!
i knwo she's been anticipating for this day like donkey days ago alright!
oh well, we had a massive celebration for her ystd!
with cake throwing and everything i missed cause i was away!
alright, played badminton, squash and went for dance auditions.
horray, i made it! :D
had to go for audi cause my attendance didnt hit 75% and above last yr!
wahlao, my attendace was like 25% only man. -.-
well, i think i looked like an idiot in unuion shirt and fbt and badm shoes. omg.
and today its MUMMY'S 50th BIRTHDAY!
we went to colelct her cake at millenia walk and we headed to the restaurant for dinner :D
sis and mike booked the place like months before, and we refused to tell her where rwe're gg. thats damn funny.
she looked almost grumpy throughout the car ride cause we refused to tell her where we're gg. laughs.
we even blindfolded her all the way to the restaurant,
anyway, we went to Pan Pacific Hotel's Hai Tien Lou (or Hei Tian Lou?)
hahhaaaa, :D
the food was delicious, ambience was fabulous, service was excellent :)
had like 8 courses alright!
duck with jellyfish, ostrich meat in black pepper sauce n peas, really nice veg, fantastic chicen soup that costs 12 bucks per serving, peking duck, tofu i love with prawns and fish, chang shou mian and lastly, mango pudding, the must-try in every high class 5 star rest :D
had my full and yeah, photo takings and i forgot my phone!
and we went back to the 37th floor again (for the first time, they enjoyed gg back to collect what i left behoind cause the view from the lift was estatic!)
and i couldnt find the phone know, then mummy called and i heard my ringtone, but i cant find it.
then this waiter walked apst with a tray and i found it on the tray!
damn hilariosu know :D
oh well, im glad mummy enjoyed her bday :D
even though it was a tiny one, she got many blessings and wishes from strangers like the guy at the lift, the angmoh lady sitting behidn our table and the nice nice waiter called chong wee at HTL. :D
mummy's the nicest mum on earth, and on this special day, i wish her longevity and happiness! :D
to the toughest job in the world, my dearest mummy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! :D
i love chew family :D
8:25 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
i had service class today, my hair was in a mess today lor, so unhappy can :(
today we did job descriptions, role play, setting up of sugarloaf, clearing and something i forgot.
i swear i cant trap the fork :(
but we have girls who cant even hold the dinner plate cause their hadns are too small!
Amanda, Charissa and tiny hands girl, DONT GIVE UP ALRIGHT :D
we'll help you out if you need help next week, keep on practicising but dont give up okay? :D cheer up babes!
Shuhan and Jiazheng, hello girls! dont brood over what happened today at class alright? treat it as a learning experience alright?
nobody knows what to do without being taught, neither do we, so we'll just learn and accept his criticisms with a open heart! :D
my darling waitress, its okay :D
and i would help out as wel if i were you!
thats because.. we are a team!
well, we should have suan-ed him when he scolded us jsut now. but yar, i duwan fail SSM.
haha, when he said this, "we are a.." and the whoel class replies 'TEAM',
i really wanted yto do the tp cheer,
"We are a Team, Clap Clap Clap Clap,
Team, Clap Clap Clap Clap.."
but that is if i want to get his saliva over my face and injure my eardrums lar.
and i went to swim alone after srvice class today, damn wierd but its fun!
the pool is so empty and ncie okay!
plus, i get to like enjoy the whole pool!
anyway, the swim made me feel so happy and contented with life.
after relaxing and enjoying the sun and breeze, i felt so relaxed
that i played three games of poo land i won them all without rushing for a single shot!
WAH, not bad leh. cause i always whack and whack
poor eric, i was on form. HAHA!
went to bball court to meet drew, crayon and sunny, dine-d
oh my goodness, i swear the HTM senior who's the netbal captain si like SOOO hot. i told her in her face leh, then she liek give em the wierd look and smile, damn cute!
she paly netball like bball can. laughs.
sweet :D
oh wells, im a happy girl today!
btu best bud is not :(
cheer up okay? if there is anything that i can do, jsut let me know alright!
i love you boy! :)
goodnight love!
ah, im tired of looking for yr name in the contact list.
im tired of searching for you all the time.
if i could, i would turn back time
and not follow you through the night.
baby, am i not pretty enough?
is my heart too broken?
do i cry too much, or am i too outspoken?
dont i make you laugh?
should i try it harder?
why do you see right through me?
dont reply me anymore.
im sad, yes i think i am :(
8:06 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:BRB BATH
[€)w!'n'] says:OKAY
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:BACK
[€)w!'n'] says:SO LONG
[€)w!'n'] says:haha
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:CANNOT AH?
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:larger surface area can
[€)w!'n'] says:whoa hahahahaha
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:noyt lie kyou, the larger surface area only concentrates at the TOP
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:DA TOU LOR
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA
★KIM! chew chian boon zildo zilrae zilmon zilton zilrhi zilma zebra zara ZILRA ♥ says:see who laugh louder now
[€)w!'n'] says:wa wa wa
and then, he go and suan himself
[€)w!'n'] says:no wonder shampoo use up so fast[€)w!'n'] says:lol
oh wells, that banana is going to some student exchange programme soon, will miss you :D <3
i am feeling really drained out now, and its only Wednesday!
i think im ageing, really fast!
caught SPIDDYMAN with Zilra on Monday :D
okay only lar, i thinkth e director sucks, the angle damn not nice.
oh yar, spiderman died!
WAHAHAHA, inside joke!
btu i saw Safahri! he came back to school, i miss him leh!
Teh-P Oei! :D
went to jog at the resevoir on Tuesday with Kleon
wahaha, that banana didnt stop because he didnt want to loose to a girl.
all the more i think you should run with me :D
but yes, my legs are burning now.
and we freaking hell got locked outside because we ended at 8,
and we didnt climb over cause they had my reputation at stake -.-
so funny leh.
i was emo today as usual, had the Shiseido Workshop today.
and i did two irritating things during the session.
because the woman was talking about Analgen (go Google of you dont know whats that)
and i sms-ed :) about it and he was angry the whole day lar.
WAHAHAHHAHA, im sorry, i wont make you angry anymore!
eh, i didnt even tell the world that its you lor.
and then she was talking abt UVA rays that will cause sagging and wrinkling in the skins of those who spend long hours in the sun.
then i was sms-ing Jiamin to take care cause she has high fever and i added on,
"i knwo that yr sick, but jsut to disturb you. Did you know that UVA rays will cause SAGGING AND WRINKLING for ppl who spend long hrs in the sun? SAGGING LEHHHHHH!!!!!'
wahahha, she replied, "YOU SHIA LAR!"
laughs, damn funny.
at least i made her laugh in the morning right? :D
anyway, i miss that skinny black thing in class even thoguh i dont say.
caus ei can hear her 'you shia'-ing our classmates once in a while.
yeah, JM, get well soon!
went to play squash after school :D
supposed to gym with joel, wel, andrew adn kleon.
but at tamp leh, like not v far WHAT!
but im glad i didnt go caus ei went home with ahlian
'like how many donkey yrs never go home with you alrdy', thats all she said to me when she saw me. No HELLO know! wah, sweet buddy leh.
emo leh. two major reasons, and they are all from the place i love.
so time after time, he made me feel like i was nothing.
he made me feel that he didint think highly of me, when he said he was.
he let me down time after time, when he said he'll think of me when he needed help.
yar, like why bother saying when yr gona forget it the next second?
just count how many times you have actually gone against yr words, just to do what YOU want to do, and made me cry?
how many times?
Family, thats what they call us. But you always let yr selfishness and insensitivity to take control, and it always hurt others, not only me.
and then, why people can tell me not to procrastinate btu they themselves do. they told me they know what they're doing, but do they?
they let lust, friendship, love and other things to take control, and it shook their ground, and what they stand up for.
they might say this is a small issue, but if you cant even get things straight, then what for even think of running and accomplishing big things?
this brings me back to the lecture Clifton gave me that day.
if i can control my temper, i can achieve more than what i have now.
but what about those issues that made me get angry, in the first place?
i cant always keep it inside, i need to let loose as well.
but im just, too loose la. need to tighten the screw a lil :D
but yeah, im sorry i didnt tell you what happened, glenn.
cause i felt there wasnt a need to, plus this i can settle myself.
then i saw Le Jie today, she told me that crying wont solve anything
and that it'll just make people look down on you, if i wanna cry, go home adn cry so nobody knows.
but i feel that i shouldnt bring all this back home where my happy family lives, thats why i dont control my emotions at all.
okay, im talking crap lar.
but yes, i will prove myself worthy and i will not be bothered about it since i've already said my piece :)
oh yes, on a happier note, i deisgned the TPSU balloons that are gonna be on sale this fri at CCN! please give us yr support okay!
i design one leh, not as good as Designers but yar, SUPPORT OKAY :D
i think i damn emo leh, no wonder Zilra calls me Emo Queen -.-
oh wells, Service tmr!
8:00 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
hello :D
well, friday was a fabulous day cause i soent 4 hours in the lounge doing nothing! :(
but it was still a beautiful day because it was
(sry, blogger siao, cannot add colour :( )
oh wells, we had a fun time surprising her with one present at a time
went to xiao xuan feng at hougang mall for dinner
i msut admit, food wasnt really nice :(
but some are nice rightttttt? eh, my daddy's restaurant, please patronise :D
after that, we went to 401 to paly playground and i realsie what a monkey we were
i made everyone fall off the spinning thing :D
we all had funa nd im sure maybelle had a wonderufl time :D
but i didnt see patrick :( but i saw patrick's best friend leh.
damn sian leh. tmr shall be the day! i hope..
oh well, its kinda late and i tihnk i'll update tmr instead!
Zilra's gonna watch SPIDDYMAN tmr! so are the brothers
9:35 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
okay, they didnt call me blur queen for no reason.
today's lesson starts at 10, but i thought it was 11!
because i rmbed asking Jiamin what time lesson ends, she said one.
and i still can tell her we have lab and lecture right.
which means 3 hours. and i stupidly thought it was at 11.
woke up at 935, read my msgs, thought of patrick
spongebob bath, and SHIT!
class starts at 100000000000000000000000!
chiong, borrowed money from mum, call cab
but uncle v ncie, collect 11 bucks cause he\is cab is 1110
Tan Ah Buay, nice taxi driver, speeded for a blur queen :D
But, im not proud of it.
i am late three times this week, and i am very upset with myself :(
stop procrastinating kim.
and i forgot to bring books to sell,
geogtravelTM sucks, BYE!
7:12 PM
I love vintage & rouge-.
my daddy is so sweet, he just came to touch my hair
and asked if i was okay, if i needed help from Mr Dad
and if anyone is bullying me, he'll go bash the person up!
i love daddy alot alot :D
oh, and it reminds me that my sister and i used to say this everynight before we sleep,
"Goodnight Mummy/ Daddy/ Chian Lin, love you, sweet sweet dreams, sweet sweet night!"
wah, we dont say it anymore, but i can do ti if you want me to.
thats day daddy said it to me, i got so excited i jumped out of bed again.
Today, i had service class :)
and the whole world is telling me that Mr Goh likes me leh, aiseh.
probably because my hair is plastered to my head and even if i go through three hrs of service or a tornado flies pass, my hair will still be intact. (according to him)
HAHAHAHAH, i think its quite funny, but i didnt dare to laugh.
he even suggested to Mr Tai that they'll take a photo of my hair and place it on ole bb.
oh my mother, that sounds fun but scary.
oh well, we learnt about table setting today,
wine service and most imptly, oval tray :D
i was like own-ing the whole table setting thing until i thought that GRAVLAX was a soup.
WAHLAO, im stupid can.
had wine service, our table was always the problem free people, and the fastest :D
laughed like yankies with kenneth, mason, charissa and clara (class rep, not me leh!)
and Clara had this notebook that says, "a journey begins with a songle step"
and i came up with my own theory which is my private msg
"A million bucks begins with a dollar"and stupid ronald offers to donate a dollar to me, nice people arent they? o.0
and then we went out for some fresh air and some tray carrying session.
so the different banquet dpmt ppl came out for battle today and guess who won?
RITZ CARLTON LEH, aiseh -.- im really not proud of it leh.
well, they said tt the girls frm the other days took FOUR bricks, so jiamin and i act hero, carried four.
not enough, five.
still durable, and we ended up with SIX :D
and that marks the new record for ladies.
and kenneth upp-ed the record for guys at 9 bricks.
oh well, tmr is mr almighty BOON's tutorial, so mayb he'll carry 18 bricsk like what he told jiamin -.-
i still love you bro.
yeah, i had fun today :D
no gym, no reservoir but i climbed the stairs up just now :D
okay, i swear i will stalk patrick tmr, i miss patrick! :(
spongebob misses patrick :(
okay, new name leh. alright lar, B-Y-E, BYE!
8:27 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
today started off really bad because i was late for my business etiquette lesson and mummy had to fetch nicholas (the band one) and i to school.
i really dont wanna be late anymore, mummy is mad really really mad ):
today, i had lunch with Zilra and i am really really happy, even though ms bugis told me something after i went to class.
WAH, wasted leh ):
today is
GERALDINE KOH SHU FEN's big one eight!
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY MY DEAR!i hope she enjoyed the surprise party at the lounge jsut now
it was the fastest party i have ever set up, liek less than hour everythg was done!
we got her 18 happy meals from Macdonald's because she said she never had the chance to have a birthday party at Mac's
we got all the food and sauces to line up to form 18 :D
we got to play musical chairs after everything, damn fun leh! i was top 3 in the first game before ALVIN NEO pushed me off the chair lorr. BIRD LAR :D
we got to play pool during intervals, haha!
we got a goodie bag from geraldine because 18 happy meal toys are too much for her! HAHA!
well, glenn, ah lam, shazni, adrian and i went to get the food
and alamak, was damn hilarious lar.
cause glenn the gundoo got a ticket for not putting coupon la
and i was palying with it int he car and i stupidly brought ti out of the car when we went to collect the macdonald's
and i was happily rolling it into a long long thing, lalala
colelcted food, blah blah blah, loading into the boot
and we went back to school
i realised that i left the ticket at the boot!
not inside know, its at the slot between the window and the boot opening!
WAHLAO, damn funny even though i was supposed to be liek sorry.
and then glennw as like nvm, we're even now.
but when he looke dinto the mirror, he saw this long thing flying at the back, and it FLEW off the car
and then he realised it was the ticket,
DAMN FUNNY LAR.wahahahah
btu we didnt went back to find the ticket ):
oh well, i hope he wont get fined again for that!
but ti made my day, i laughed alot.
im feeling pretty down these days, mayb its pms.
but i dont knw if its pre, post or during mensural syndrome.
(laughs at best bud)
well, i might as well say it all out now, now that i knwo wahts been upsetting me.
i am running for elections and my posters and flyers are not done yet and i am very very sad, i am very not confident, i am not prepared, i am just procrastinating and i am really scared.
and i need to do something ):
i walked away from you, thinking this will bring that smile back to me.
i dont want things the way you want it, cant we go back to where we came from?
this isnt making me feel happy as well, stop this, its torturing
we all make choices, and i said goodbye to love.
and yes, all i need is a lil respect for that decision.
im a solid rock.
im listening to that song again, and im running away
everytime i read those words, it makes me sad
everytime i look at
you make me wanna hide
and i dont care what
you might think
but everytime i try, the harder it seems to get
everytime i think,
you come to my mind
and running away wont make it any better,
oh yes, its true.
but at the end of the day, i choose to walk away;
yet again :(i really dont desrve this, there are not more i can dothe rest is up to you.actually, ME LAR :l
haha, im not in love please.
oh yes, the most beautiful song on earth :D
Ger didnt cry jsut now when i palyed it, damn it lar!
CRY ON MY SHOULDERIf the hero never comes to you
If you need someone you're feeling blue
If you're away from love and you're alone
If you call your friends and nobody's home
You can run away but you can't hide
Through a storm and through a lonely night
Then I show you there's a destiny
The best things in life
They're free
But if you wanna cry
Cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do
If your sky is grey oh let me know
There's a place in heaven where we'll go
If heaven is a million years away
Oh just call me and I make your day
When the nights are getting cold and blue
When the days are getting hard for you
I will always stay here by your side
I promise you I'll never hide
But if you wanna cry
Cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do
What real love can do
What love can do
What real love can do
What love can do
i really wanna cry :(
i must be on time :(
8:47 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
what hurts the most, is being so close.and having so much to say, and watching you walk awayokay, so many have been asking about the emotional post
alright, why am i emo when i walked away and said goodbye.
because it reminds me of what happened five months ago.
lets not talk about it alright?
whoohooo, that was the best MayDay i ever had in my entire 18 years of May Days -.-
stayover at crayon's was damn fun, about 15 of us squeesed in his house
we pretty much kept ourselves awaked with baby pool set (haha! baby balls! so erotic leh!), plasma size computer desktop, circle stories and so on..
endlesss laughter and fun throughout the night, i love :D
but hope more zilraians can join, but limited space, so we're gonna plan for a chalet or soemthing! WHOOHOOOO :D
went home for dinner with the zhou family today,
waited 1 and a half hour for my dinner okay, at some lok-kok coffee shop,
bloody hell. i was the angry one, miraculously, dad didnt kill the guy, he jsut sat there and ate his coconut lar. wth, i think somebody swapped our bodies!
oh well, im feeling sad now.
because like, im alwasy with zilra after school or anywhere.
lounge, mensa, bball court, dinners and such
and then, reality hit me and yeah,
wah, emo leh. straught away. ):
serious, i didnt know there can be so much fun, if only FO didnt end, if only i weren't HGL(hen guai lan, WAHAHA!), if only ..
and i pray that ronald wont go.
and i pray that the circle never ends :D
ah, business eti tutorial tmr. OMG ):
bye world!
8:42 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.