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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

hello world,
been visiting ppl's blog and i assume its the trend to emo nowadays?
cheer up people, its not the end of the world!
glanced through my haloscans
thank you honeys! im okay (:
i keep things inside, but once its out
i'll feel much better and the next day,
you'll see kim bouncing down the halls of TP again :D

well, like what i've said before,
i dont tell others what i really feel,
its complex and difficult to analysis
and i think no one else will understand
so, most of the time, i'll just bitch or put it nicely, comment (:
and yes, there is so much more going on in that mind of mine,
other than bitching know.
trust me, im a great observer
i think the one person who can really understand and read my mind is darylyn
to think that she used to hate my bitchings too,
but slowly, we started to develop telepathy
gradually i stopped, and we just updated each other about new gossips
laughs, it was such an exciting friendship
just a wink, glance, nudge or smirk and we'll know what we're thinking
so i guess the excessive bitching is resulted from loosing such a valuable friend
hoping that i'll find darylyn no.2, which is highly impossible
but if a girl dont bitch, she's better go for some consultation sessions

as usual, affected by some nonsense by those people
but it aint gonna affect me for the rest of my life
i sense it, im sad.
and tmr i'll be okay again.
learn from your mistakes!
saw this on maybelle's blog,

"I believe in myself, I've put in my best efforts in every task that I undertake."
But the question is, how many actually believe in me?

i sense sarcasism and discrimination
true, its what life is about we jsut have yo live with it,
but i think they dont even know they're emitting such energy waves la
so i cant blame them either
and after lingie told me about those stuff, i am all fired-up
tutorials, lectures and projects, beware!
semester1.2, here i come!

i dont know what has been happening
i think im like the next ms universe in the making la
humanity, love, racial harmony, discrmination
it all sparked off at htmkg tutorial with the united colours of bennetton advertisments
really touched my heart and i felt for it.
then, saw safahri's blog where he talked about meeting this african guy
who appeared lost and he approached him.
" It was a real issue for me, when he mentioned of the criticism and discrimination he has faced from fellow Singaporeans. Why when he pointed out, with a slash of the wrist of any human being on Earth, all and everyone of us would bleed a blood that is crimson red. A true human being full of just and fun-loving nature, he re-created thoughts and beliefs people have seemed to form on me for the past 20 years. "

courtesy of saf's blog, http://mypaddleshop.blogspot.com

i love what that guy said, why would people hate?
why would they discriminate?
if not, why did they even learn to love in the first place?
where is the love?
i dont know what's gotten into me
probably too much blog-reading huh?
ahem, the one that made me feel so apologetic
its good that i read it though, i dont feel so inhuman anymore (:

oh man, i have a comfession to make
i have another eyecandy! (:
to date, its three! one girl, two guys!
oh man,i think im super lucky,
i've been seeing sunshine for two straight days!
yeah yeah yeah, beatrice is joinging prog comm ):
so she's not a GL, oh man.
okay, whale.
i see him everywhere la! w that super dao face
i think he might think im stalking him la
but hello, hell no.
national gymnastics team okay!
okay, mayb i am. but lingie provided tt info to me!
i just think he's cute
and sock thinks so too! (:
and im stopping there.
next, stick
definitely eyecandy.
never fails to brighten my day
all the lame jokes and stuff
my tummy will always hurt when i see him
wait, he's attached :D
and im like a little sister, YEAH!
yes, thats all.
eyecandies are just eyecandies (:

i really hope some people can finally wake up and realise she's been hurting her
she's off with her sweetheart then she'll turn to her.
if there was any problem in the first place, it started with u and ur sweethrt.
so back off and stop saying she caused all this shit okay?
dont deny you didn't like me in the first place.
well, everyone knows why you hated me
personal reasons, too obvious to state
but its called jealousy, so i aint gonna give a damn.
thank god the paddler with braces came to enlighten me.
else,i'll just ah bish you okay.
and rmb, stay out of her path. grr.
she's called ahlian for a reason (:
cause lians got gang ma.
ohmygod, my days are packed from 9-6pm
all the way till sunday
and i think we're gg to do proj on sundays as well!
tian ah, mei tian li.
okay, chinese sucks.
but if we can finish the shit by fri, i think we wont meet on sunday!

so probably can shift the tiny outing on sat to sunday (:
lalala, depends on that busy old man la.
so darn busy okay, i dont know why engine students are so busy la.
ENGINE KNOWW? haha. opps, i just talked about discrimination.
eh, okay. goodnight before i get choke-slammed!

8:28 AM

I love vintage & rouge-.


Friday, November 17, 2006

warning, emo session in the making
dont read on if u feel like trash already

hello world,
well, life's been pretty tough on me lately
it feels as though everything's falling in on me
first it was them, everything was a mistake
shouldn't have trusted them
well, whats done is done
at least im the victim, not the culprit
then it was dragonboat,
no doubt, i love the sport
but it was a mistake to join the school team before trying it out
oh well, at least i met a great bunch of friends
and a wonderful coach who taught me how to love, how to live
she taught me whats passion, its sometihng that'll kaap u going on and on, jsut like mat
she taught me whats respect, cause i have so much respect for her
if you;re free, i can tell you almost everything she told us.
i remembered.
then it was the meeting of my best friend,
hahaha, i cant help but laugh at it
but im glad after that incident, the stickings, the cold war,
my 'pai-chi-gan-' towards him is already gone
i know, he might think im such a wierdo,
but yeah, its over man.
but i know we wont be as close as yesterday
im sorry, fren (:
then it was the clash of the titans,
one's a joke,
two's flatterring,
three's a disaster.
i think only sam wil understnd what im talking about.
cause she feels the same,
well, why rush it? chill, think carefully.
and i'ver been there, done that
i dont see a need to get involved.
its troublesome and time-consuming
but that's what im tell myself, i think.
and thats not what my heart's telling me, im sure
complicated sentiments.
whatever la, dont think so much girl,
just be yourself and you'll find that megawatt smile coming back!
sam, cheers!
then, i feel like a bitch, always hanging his phone calls like that
like im hiding away from mum or somethg,
its really childish of me.
but i dont wan mum to always bug me about stuff,
and it wont reflect nicely on him if mum knew i was talking to him
mark, she know la. that bloody chatterbox,
she knows what shit we'll be talking abt, she's okay w it
i even suspect she calls mark to chat can, so gum.
i guess he just dont know my frens yet, thats why she's protective
but i knoe she loves me, and i feel so bad for treating her like shit this whole week.
i must stop, cause i love her (:
but mama should learn not to irritate me with gazillion her phone calls,
dman, shouldn'e have let her know that i had free-incoming calls la!
After that was this thing called love,
no no, im not attached,
but its the love i feel from them
semester one, it was "Melissa, WenJun, please please please"
now, its "mel, jun, go to hell!"
then, "Michelle, Felicia and LingWei, hello hello"
but now, "tiny, fel, lingie, i tell you somethg!"
hahaha, notice the diff?
im more than glad to say that im proud of them
each and everyone of them are unique,
mel is the heck care, sporty, attitude girl with a violin -.-
wenjun the glam, diva queen, the eye candy of the guys in tp
tiny the sweet, make-do-with, super kind kindergarden helper!
felicia, the blur, hardworking and at times blunt without knowing VIP server!
lingie is the BCSgodness, hardworking, at times autocratic but if she doesn't, who'll make the stand!
hahaha, plus ruirui, blur, pretty, the makeup artist of the class!
they've made me feel like im loved again
its heartwarming, its called love
dark secrets that we'll share,
hot gossip that we'll scream at,
lunh breaks that we'll enjoy together,
funny jokes that we'll laugh at,
the times we've been there for one another,
might be tiny incidents, but we were there for one another
i guess this is poly life, you get hurted then u find love
and i pray that God will bless them all

but still, i feel like trash, arent you supposed to scream ur rantings on ur blog?
no, i dont feel comfortable
look at my entries, anyone of them showing signs that i cant hang on in the team anymore?
no right? thats why the girls were shocked that i left.
i dont know why, i hate to let them know im hurted,
i'll just ignore them.
and hurt myself instead.
wtf, seriously.
but hurting them hurts me back too
the look they gave me was like, ouch.
and sometimes, the worst part is that
they dont know they hurted you?
and tries to cheer you up thinking something or someone else did?
sigh, i guess they are jsut kind yet blur ppl.
but at least i know they cares.
and some people think its okay to let me know somethings,
but they dont know that its like throwing me a bomb,
and a kick in the face.
if ever he asked me that in my face,i tell you,
i'll break down and cry.
its tough, but who said it was gonna be easy?
it was just a random qn, but it weighted like a bomb to me

work has never feel like shit since ages ago
but still, i felt lost as if without help
i dont know how to say, but i know some things are diff
mayb im sensitive,or mayb cause lian-eh & yanling werent with me
lynnette is the best observer ever on earth
she knows all my darkest secrets even though i din tell her anything
sammie sam, dont think so much darling
we're all great kids, so smile and face the world
this is only the beggining, wait till u met the world
you'll face more! so handle this stress n work things out
dont rush though, take ur time to think
i love you two (:

11:50 PM

I love vintage & rouge-.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

she's damn thick skin la
i dont know why i love her so much either
and i jsut cant stop flooding her room with my teamspore merchandise
see, i cant resist sharing my stuff with her.
cause, i love serene cheong pandai
and you better love me back okay?
oh, ppl say ai wu ji wu right?
Mr VK, wo ye hen ai ni la :D

weekends was damn packed
i've travelled all around spore, let me tell you
my first visit to chinese garden la.
went there to work at some carnival thing
i cant deny its nt fun but the puncher they have sucks
i bet i'll have blue blacks on my palms if i contd to wrk okay.
met ritz ppl to support shaik at the subaru challenge
but before i could reach, he was out la
cause his position is really damn sucky know
its at the headlights, no.98 can buy 4D
and his hands are palce din a position where he's abt to launch attack on some girl's sexy butt
yes, like grabbing it
so tiring la, so i forgave him on not winning the car that'll fetch us to eat supper after work
went to paly cs and xbox at the gmax/ bmax chamber thingy at cine
oh my god, i've never knew cs was this fun before alright
i thought it was a dumb game but no no, its frekaing fun!
hahaha, even though i admit that i get killed every 2 mins,
btu i had fun man
i dont know why i die so fast can
i suspect they spy me and folloow me everywhere la
simon told me he always kill me when im purchasing guns -.-
but hello, i killed two ppl okay.
for a first timer,its not bad okay
hahah! and iw as the survivor at one game alright
who call them all chiong out,
and when mr. ty jump down form the tower, i jsut shoot him la.
and i won (: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! -.-

some bloody bastard stole my fourty bucks in school
i bet he/she didnt know that those money are xue han qian
those fourty bucks are from punching solid hard paper at the carnival
or banqueting my guts out at ritz okay
thsoe fourty bucks were suppose to last me for FOUR DAYS
and you happily stole it!
i swear i had it with me in mensa.
tsk, oh well, i believe in karma
so may that money erode in your hands and that u'll rot in hell
hello angels, please note that down in your notebook n sentence him/ her okay?
then, as if my day wasnt bad enough,
i found a hole in my cardi
i know i sound like a 100% bimbo, but dude, its my fave one!

but thank god there was an outing to brighten the day a lil,
okay, quite alot la.
went out with black straw man
dont know what to say, cause its like all inside jokes
thanks for cheering me up (:
effort appreciated and well spent la. smart you! laughs
i still hate/love you for whatever you've said today okay!
watch those words cause life's a bitchw ith five brothers!
horrible day continues, and i've learnt many lessons that faithful day.
1. always zip your bags when you're away
2. dont bring so much money if possible, i went to withdraw 50 cause bloody atm no 10 notes again!
3. always delete you SENT MSGS to prevent ppl from reading!
4. fourty bucks can buy u alot of shit ):
5. never be too kind to someone who calls you a BITCH and calls you to 'shut the fuck up' man! tsk!

yes, hmmm, i think im super pms these days
one moment happy, then im not.
mayb its cause of _
ya, i see i see. fk care
but then, i relaised that guys have pms too
oh, dont talk abt it. heck care
moving on, damn it
i tell you, im so confused alright
so im gonna see how it goes, heck alrdy la.
im like pissed/frustrated/confused/i-feel-like-a-bitch
ah, oh wells. gonna catch some sleep before my hair turns white
but im still a happy girl(:

7:41 AM

I love vintage & rouge-.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

hello world, today's a happy day!
yes, im that happy. laughs.
whatsever they'll say about my work place,
i tell you, i lvoe the ppl there la
super duper funny
and they are like the nicest people on earth man!
you'll dont understand man
gonna puncha nd hug teddy bear tmr :D
had conference with ty, simon, raymond, teresa and momo jsut now
hoho, so funny la deh!
tmr's gonna be another fun day at work!

erm, school school school today
i feel so much more comfortable these days
confidence is coming back (:
need to return the paddle and the lifevest back asap la
else, later like v irresponsible.
wait for that lian-eh to collect la.
my honeys not going to work tmr cause sat's trn is at 8!
oh wells, there'll always be another friday (:

erm, i think i know what's going on
but i dont think we want the same thing
i know im jsut yet another one
one of those trophies you wanna display
ah, shit you.
i dont wanna be one
so yes yes, goodbye.

bro, stop lieing okay
i know you wanna ask her to go be your partner la
dont have to lie please.laughs.
but i dont mind going with you la.
after i lose wieght, i swear i'll go.

random shit, goodbye world.

7:55 AM

I love vintage & rouge-.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

hello world
trust me, since school started, nothing much has changed
i know i can get through this shit
but i cant deny how much fun i have with the ppl!
1. you know the Genmai Green Tea form Nutri Tea?
yes, im so in love with it right now, so i need a pack everyday
so tiny told me this tt day,
"kimbo, is that your waterbottle? why u always carry ti around?"

2. mel and i were at TM buying some snacks,
then this lady in front of mel wanted to ask the cashier for something and she went, "lan jiao please"
now we know how important it is to pronounce ur words properly!

3. what's a gingerbread man without legs? LIMP BIZKIT!!

hahaha, okay.
that wasnt very funny but i dont know why, i cant stop laughing
hmmm, monday went well.
went to sjc badm team's chalet
so glad the team invited us back
din get to see my batch cause some din come or haven come
i had to head home early
left the chalet at nine
whats the point of going?
but i met the younger ones, so i feel loved man!
mel and i bought chocos for the class for halloween!
okay, i haven enjoyed commskills since sem 1.1
and now, needless to say, i HATE commskill la!
all thanks to that fucked up teacher who made some fucked up arrangement.
lalala, comeon kim, its only 14 weeks.
you can survive this!
and that fucked up woman loves to use me as an example for mr white la.

now, some rantings.
you are irritating, you like to listen to my conversation with my girls
even if im speaking really loudly, does that means you're in the conver? NO.
so dont listen, dont stare, dont join in.
& you think its okay to talk to me, does that means i like to talk to you? NO, so stop.
i dont know why, the moment i see you,
my face turns black.
seriously, everything about you annoys/ irritates/ disturbs me.
so i really hope that you can understand,
its too late to mend this friendship so jsut leave me alone
i dont need you to hold my books,
hold the door, listen to my problems,
i dont wanna be mean, but i dont wanna be kind either
cause then, you'll find your way to me again
i dont wanna ignore you totally cause i don wanna bring this to the table.
im not the girl you can hang out with all day long anymore
im not the one who'll keep quiet n try to bear with what she cant stand
you've done enough, and i've had enough
thats all im going to take from you, so just fuck off.
i really hope you'll understand.

comeon peeps, put yourslef in my shoes and just think
how woudl you treat some guy like that?
i didnt slap him, you cna say im kind enough
good intentions or bad, it wasnt somethg he should do.
well, lets put that aside,
still, i dont like him sticking, tagging along.
its fucking irritating
and i've had enough, so im going to break free.
i just asked him a qn and he tohught iw as okay
and started talking to me, joining in my conver
something i hate sooo much
like what bf said, why should u be on talking terms with HIM?
this is me, if u dont like it, forget it.
if you all dont like it, go talk to him.
i even asked sheena how to make him stop talking to me!
haha, was that desperate to shake him off -.-
so, i believe if he wouldn't interfere with my life,
i'll be pretty much comfortable at projects la
argh, thats if we'll have somethg to do
cause mr superman does it all!

next, three hundred bucks was like sixty hours of work during the holidays
wasted on some piece of crap, my trust, my pride.
i dont know how to even complain about it
cause i feel so ashamed even thinking about it
so i hope you'll be so ashamed you'll hide yourself under the covers every night.

two honeys i love so much,
we didnt spend jsut 3D2Ns together,
but it was 6D4Ns alright
and i am jsut as shocked as u are when i realised it
and that we've drifted apart,
i know i've had my commitements, and i didnt spend time together with you guys
i am terribly sorry about that
i hope there werent any nasty things gg ard that i didnt do or i didnt say
if there was anything, i hope you'll let me know.
cause it hurts to see the first few frens i've met in school
to give me a certain look when i say hi.
its really really sad.
i dont know its my attitude that has changed or yours
but i hope we'll kiss and make u real soon.
it seems like i've turned into yet another 'hi-bye' fren
and i dont want it this way.
come on baby, talk to me.
nehneh, nunu, yes i miss you.

one more week to regatta!
goodluck girls and boys!
you know you can do ti, its all in the mind,
i see the girls going strong huh!
TPDB are you ready? i bet you are!
jiayou (:

after so much shit, i've gotten over it.
whats done is done.
you might think im wierd or im a bitch,
i dont care. cause i know i wont go against how i feel, my values
so, fuck care.
isn't it why blogs exist?

"guard against all those greeds, life is not only about possessions"

5:01 AM

I love vintage & rouge-.