Monday, April 03, 2006
couldnt update since the other time
internet conneactivty is low again
n i finally grabbed hold of sis's wireless.
so many things happened these past few weeks
made me cry so hard n some made me laugh so hard till i cry
so lets not talk abt the unhappy stuff
went for ytsa camp
thought it was a sporrts camp but turns out there r threatre stuff in there too.
super sian,everyone knows tt i cant act cause i have stagefright
finefine,despite the fact tt im super noisy
but still,i will freeze when i have to perform
was made the director
loved that job,even though was even more interested in e lights n sounds part
but still stick to my job
made alot of new n young frens there.
had some trouble w my grp,but everythg went well when alvin helped us.
a simple n humourous skit turns out to b the best among the others
and my grp's skit came in first !!!
i bet alvin n cat was so proud of us(:
managed to try a lot of diff sports in e camp
like threatresports,touch rugby,dancing n silat
got best performer for silat.
so funny ok,couldnt believe it.
camp was held in sports sch
facilities are like super cool(:
was treated like young national athletes
dorms were great,
charlotte gf's bro,gregory was greatly loved by e other girls.
the pillow they have is so high n hard n nice to sleep(:
the view is fantastic n the food is so nice
the school is bloody big n everythg is so new
i got so used to living there tt it feels wierd when im at home
the ppl are so nice although they adapted rather slowly to e energtic kim
they accepted my rubbish n survived w me for 3days
round of applause to u guys
i dont wanna leave):
but im so happy that all the campers really bonded w their grp
everyone were feeling sad when camp ended
and kim made new frens too(:
the adventure doesnt stp there cause i went out w my new frens(:
all from the other grps
we're called the ytsa+yinling clique
also known as the happy family
we jus have fun in everythg we do
and they appreciate my jokes n my pressence
and thats heartwarming(:
how can e clique be complete without anyone of them?
we went out on a few dates n it was super fun(:
went pooling,dinnering,sentosa,bowling n many others to come(:
i really treasure the frenship we have and i'll always rmb the fun we had(:
i'll smile n laugh at the little private jokes we have n all the funny parts;
eunica (:
submarine;s doing fine,
but the prob now is there's a cheetah out there
hunting for my protein pumper too
diff to choose from
but how so i know that submarine is the right ship for me?
well,wat if sub's jus like tt cheetah,always ready to mate with another animal?
i dont know,so lets find out
like wat ibrahim says,"make frens make frens!"
(plus his hand gestures n the construction worker hat n that orh-bit sunglasses)
cheer up girl,tomorrow's a better day!
9:48 AM
I love vintage & rouge-.